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Briscoe, K. L., Hall, C. N., & Steele, T. L. (2024). “Against all odds”: A collective Black feminist autoethnography of Black women doctoral students’ experiences in higher education programs. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication.

Gray, A. L., Hall, C. N., Andrews, K. E., Clark-Williams, B. L. (2023). Finding spaces to breathe in the academy: How Black women build sustaining communities to fortify success. In S.Fries-Britt & B. T. Kelly (Eds.), Black Women Navigating the Doctoral Journey: Student Peer Support, Mentorship, and Success in the Academy (pp. 89-103).

Hall, C. N. (2023). Centering joy and community for the wellbeing of Black faculty.  Journal of Faculty Development, 37(1), 76-79.

Ward, L. W. & Hall, C. N. (2022). Seeking tenure while Black: Lawsuit composite counterstories of Black professors at historically white institutions. Journal of Higher Education. doi:10.1080/00221546.2022.2082760


Parker III, E. T., Beatty, C., Garrett, S., Hall, C.N., Ford, J., Wallace, J., McCloud, L., & Blockett, R. (2024, March). Navigating the Academy: A Fireside Chat for Black-Scholar Practitioners. Panel presented at American College Personnel Association, Chicago, IL.

McCloud, L., Hall, C. N., Stewart, T. J., & Hutchings, Q.  (2024, March). The Black Hand Side: Black HESA Faculty on Professional Preparation.  Panel presented at American College Personnel Association, Chicago, IL.


Hall, C. N. (2023, November). Exploring faculty job satisfaction through expectations of underrepresented track faculty at research institutions. Presented at Association for the Study of Higher Education, Minneapolis, MN.


Hall, C.N. & Davis III, C. H. F. (2023, November). Imagined Futures of Black Faculty. Presented at Association for the Study of Higher Education, Minneapolis, MN.


Hall, C. N. (2023, November). Toward A More Diverse Professoriate: Recruiting, Retaining and Supporting Faculty of Color at our Colleges and Universities. Presented at St. Louis Racial Equity Summit, St. Louis, MO. 


Hall, C. N. (2023, April). "Gimme That Driving Satisfaction": Examining the Expectations of Underrepresented Tenure-Track Faculty at Research Institutions. Presented at American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.


Hall, C. N., Steele, T. L., Purdiman, J., Harris, K., McCollum, S., Rosebrough, A., &  Lewis, A. (2023, March). Shifting the Narrative: Black Women Prioritizing Rest and Wellness. Presented at American College Personnel Association, New Orleans, LA.


McCloud, L., Okello, W. K., Williams, B. M., Johnson, D., Hall, C. N., & Stewart, T. J. (2023, March). Teaching Black: Pedagogical Lessons from Black Faculty in HESA Programs. Presented at American College Personnel Association, New Orleans, LA.


Hall, C. N. (2022, November). Centering our joy, telling our story. Presented at Association for the Study of Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV.

Hall, C. N. & Snipes, J. T. (2022, November). Beyond the classroom: Abolitionist and humanizing pedagogy in higher education graduate programs. Presented at Association for the Study of Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV.


Steele, T. L., Hall, C. N., & Briscoe, K. L. (2022, April). What happens to a childhood deferred?: The implications of early adultification of Black girls. Presented at American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.


Hall, C.N., Gray, A. L., Andrews, K. E., & Clark, B. C. J. (2022, April). For us by us: A phenomenological exploration of Sankofa ceremonies for Black doctoral students. Presented at Faculty Women of Color in the Academy Conference, Blacksburg, VA.


Hall, C. N., Fine, C. F., Jones, A. M., Snipes, J. T., Hughes, R. L., & Robinson, B. (2022, March). How we do it: Recruiting, retaining, and supporting Black faculty. Presented at American College Personnel Association, St. Louis, MO.


Hall, C. N. & Steele, T. L. (2022, March). Running empty: Wellness strategies for Black women in higher education. Presented at American College Personnel Association, St. Louis, MO.


Hall, C. N., Jones, A. M., Fine, C. F., & Snipes, J. T. (2021, December). Like so, like that: Advancing social justice in a climate of care. Interactive Workshop presented at NASPA Multicultural Institute, New Orleans, LA.


Hall, C. N. & Snipes, J. T. (2021, November). Toward an abolitionist and humanizing pedagogy in higher education graduate programs. Roundtable presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Juan, PR. 


Hall, C. N., Fine, C. F., Jones, A. M., & Snipes, J. T. (2021, October). This is how we do it: Creating and sustaining community as Black faculty. Panel presented at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) Diversity Day, Edwardsville, IL.


Hall, C. N. (2021, September). Stop! Collaborate & Listen: Engaged Pedagogy in the Graduate Classroom. Interactive Workshop presented at Focus on Teaching & Technology Conference, St. Louis, MO.


Briscoe, K., Hall, C. N., & Steele, T.  (2021, March). Against all odds: Black women doctoral students’ experiences. Scholarly paper presented at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Long Beach, CA. 


Hall, C. N. (2021, February). Put Your Mask On First: Promoting Self-Care Strategies for Graduate Students. Roundtable discussion facilitated at Connecting: Student Engagement in COVID-19, Las Vegas, NV.


Hall, C. N., Allensworth, I., Richards, T., & Spaenhower, N. (2021, February). Not Another Zoom Meeting: A Discussion on Student Engagement in a Virtual Environment. Presentation at Connecting: Student Engagement in COVID-19 Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 

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